I wrote this on the day of Presidential election 2016: Nov. 8, 2016
The mainstream media or MSM as other discussion is instrument of the devil. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and MSNBC are not reporting the news but their agenda by bias news to support the liberal agenda that is pro-choice, pro same sex-marriage, all of that is the work of the devil and devil’s will. They told us who should we vote for, Hillary Clinton. Therefore, that is the will of the devil. She is proven corrupt, selfish, pro abortion, pathological liar, against the Constitution, as she will nominate Supreme Court judges that will follow their opinions or her wishes, not the Constitution. Those kind judges decided Roe vs. Wade that legalized abortion and about 60 millions of babies killed so far, with her, more millions more. That is clearly, the Culture of death. She has 100% approval from Plan Parenthood, the organization that has murdered most of the babies. Moreover, those kind judges approved same sex marriage, going against even history of humanity. She committed crime as Secretary of State with the private servers and classified emails that if we have done the same thing, we will be in prison yesterday. Other people like some generals and some military people doing less have been convicted and ordered to do prison/probation. She became multimillionaire with the Clinton Foundation that suppose to be for charity but only about 6 % of the funds go to charity, even people for Haiti are upset with them. Most money went to her and family, another proof of corruption. WikiLeaks proved who they really are, instrument of the devil. We must vote if we can, the opposite as what the Media is telling us to do, vote for Trump. He is Prolife and by definition the Culture of Life. That is God’s will. He chose a list of 20 judges to Supreme Court that he will choose from, judges that will follow the Constitution, no their opinions. Judges that are Pro life like Scalia. All conservatives, like Levin, Rush Limbaugh, etc, loved his choices. I pray that Pro life will win today. That God win today, not the devil.
Some People criticized Trump’ words, when he was not speaking on issues and responding to Hillary’s bait, what about her actions for 30 years and her inaction for the good of people? Actions speak louder than words. Trump wins clearly on issues. He is fighting the establishment and elite that includes some republicans, that wants her because they do not want to stop what are they doing and pleasing the worse President we have Obama, GDP worse since the 1940’s, less than 3%. Economy is bad because high regulations and try to get people supported by government so they expect their votes and stay poor for life, no progress like Venezuela, Socialism. However, Trump will drain the swamp. They do not like that, so the never Trumpers. They preferred her, and their reason does not make sense. They said they prefer the devil they know than the devil they do not know. They want hell in place instead of unknown that can be better than hell. After hell is in place, they will be sorry to choose hell. Common sense should tell them, that is better to take chances of unknown and avoid hell all together because, you could be surprise no hell will be in place. That is better than to vote for hell in place for sure.
It is not right to vote just because she is a woman, we must vote for issues and the future of the USA, security, the military etc, to make America strong again. That is better than to make it weaker, as Obama has done, she will continue Obama bad news work and worse. They believe people that vote for them are stupid. That is why she ran even with the crimes clearly committed and shows she is above the law. All she touches it gets corrupted. The last corruption is the FBI. Agents are not happy what is going on there. Do you agree? Comments are welcome. Did I miss anything?
God has been merciful with the USA. He won, pro-life won, Culture of Life won. God won; the devil lost. This time, they did not stop counting (Arizona stopped counting at 9:00pm, keep eye of the cheating) and because God's mercy and people watching for fraud, they were unable to cheat. Moreover, a bunch voted early, including me. The first time I ever voted early, the first time for many people too, too big to rig. They did cheat. We saw a graph like 2020, going 90° to her but for him were too many, they could not catch up. That graph was from Michigan. We had an answer the next day who won the election instead of weeks. What came to my mind, came from God because it happened, reality, unworthy me. Thanks to the Most Holy Trinity, One God, glory to Him and adoration forever.
It is now 2024, the same situation then is repeating. However, we had 4 years of Trump presidency to compare with almost 4 years of Biden/Harris presidency. Anybody with common sense knows all were better with Trump in the USA. We had peace, with her two wars: Ukraine and Gaza area and possible third world war. The incompetent pull out from Afghanistan that Russian and China saw that and have proceeded accordingly. If she wins and successfully cheat as it did happen on 2020, we are heading for a third world war, China will invade Taiwan. It is going to be a nuclear war. In her rally, somebody said Jesus is Lord and she answered you are in the wrong rally. Her rally is of the devil. Vance somebody said the same thing and he answered amen. The choice is clear again but more clear now, vote for Culture of Life-Trump or Culture of death-Harris. Vote for God-Trump or vote for the devil-Harris. The Lord let happened 2020 and they became exposed as instrument of the devil. I trust in Him as the Lord in His mercy let me know, that Trump will win. I feel that he will win in a landslide. If it is my mind, it will not happen if it is God revelation, it will happen. His will be done, I hope and pray that God wins tomorrow. The Culture of Life wins.
In reality, Trump did win by a landslide and it was God’s will. Something happened that God permitted. Biden’s minions stole the elections. There is overwhelming evidence of this. The satanic media and corruption which all the work of the devil, do not want people to know the truth. They covered up before the elections and after and used China virus to cheat by allowing even against the law in some states mail in ballots. They cheated in other ways. Why God let it happened? I think to expose who they really are. They are making disasters of this country and the world. To vote for them is to vote for Satan as they are Satanic party because as I said before, they support abortion that is mortal sin number one for the devil or the favorite one. Anything the deals with Life is of God as Jesus is Life. Anything the deals with death is of the devil. As Jesus said he is a murderer from the beginning. Somebody said this, elections have consequences. But stolen elections have catastrophic consequences. That is reality now. We keep praying that the Truth eventually prevail. God have mercy of us all.
Now it is November 3, 2020, 4 years ago, the Lord provided the message here. The same thing is now. Trump who is with the children of light will win, over the children of darkness Biden a lukewarm Catholic. God will win over the devil. If it was my imagination, it will not happen. If it is coming from God as 4 years ago, it will happen.
This comment followed after the results of the Presidential elections 2016
Thanks to God, Trump won the presidency. Culture of life won, God who is life won. The culture of death or the devil had lost. Thanks to God for his mercy. Now, we have a good chance to eliminate Roe vs. Wade and stop the murders of babies. Months ago (Sept 2016) and yesterday after Mass (Nov. 7, 2016), a thought came to my mind that Trump is going to win. I had prayed that Pro life to win. I wondered if were my thoughts or came from God who knows all, as He is God, the Most Holy Trinity; adoration forever. I had thoughts like that before. How can I know which one it is? I thought as it has been my experience, what is coming from God will become reality, if it is coming from me it will not. The Lord has been merciful with me even I do not deserve, and a strong thought and joy came yesterday and a big cross that I gave to our wonderful Mother, BVM for the greater glory of God, salvation of souls, my family and souls in Purgatory, moreover, for Pro life to win, my consolation since all my crosses. I am very grateful to God for his mercy for this nation and to me.