I have a conversation with a person that has been involved with the youth and in the church who said that he is against abortion but do not force people to follow his beliefs. He is for the democratic party and said many in church are too. I said to him that we must evangelize, we are not forcing anything to anyone. He asked if they had free will and God will forgive them. I answered him that the democratic party is a satanic party. He tried to said it is not. I mentioned to him that he might not be informed. He said that he is informed. I said to look the democratic party website, they are pro-abortion, freedom of choice. He asked me if I know what that is. Women with that mentality said is my body and I can do what I want with my body. I told him it is a lie to said it is my body; it is really two bodies, her baby and her. I mentioned to him that abortion is the mortal sin most liked by the devil. I said that is why is a satanic party. It is doing the work of the devil on earth. It is like 2+2=4. He said he can be forgiven. I mentioned God forgive all sins except the sin against the Holy Spirit. He knows that is the work of devil and he will continue to support that by voting for the satanic party knowingly and at time of death repent and expect God to forgive him, I said to him that is playing Russian Rolette with his salvation. The sin of presumption, sin against the Holy Spirit. God knows our hearts; we cannot fool God. Danger at time of death be hooked by the devil. Catholics that vote for that satanic party knowingly are lukewarm Catholics. They know what the Church teaches and they do not care. Moreover, God told to Exequiel that is your brother is sinning and you said nothing, you will respond to me, no salvation for him. If you said something when he is sinning, and your brother do not care to change, you saved yourself. Jesus said the wheat and the weed will be together and the world will hate you. If the majority of the church are for that pro-abortion party, that does not make it right and approved by God, therefore, His will. His will is Life, no death.
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