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6Church and Unity
God is one and Jesus is one, the Body of Jesus is the Church, Dios es uno y Cristo es uno, la Iglesia es su Cuerpo
Mass and Jesus is the Bread of Life, la Misa y Jesús es el Pan de Vida
3Blessed Mother
Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Jesus, the Mother of God and our Mother too, La Virgen MarÃa Madre de Dios y nuestra
The written word of God, la palabra escrita de Dios
Spoken word of God, la palabra hablada de Dios
People in Heaven have no sin in the Triumphant Church in Heaven, personas sin pecado en la Iglesia Triunfadora del Cielo
Prime Minister of the Kingdom of God or visible leader of the Church visible, Militant, St Peter was the first pope
There are 7, Baptism, Holy Communion, Confirmation,Confession, Anointed of the Sick, Holy Orders and Holy Matrimony
Dialogue for unity and love, separated brothers and other faiths and no Christians, no Católicos buscando la unidad
2Moral Teachings
Behavior in action and words that pleased God, nuestras acciones y palabras que Dios esté contento con nosotros
4Matters of Faith
Beliefs for 2,000 years that came from the Apostles from Jesus, apostolic faith, fe apostólica de 2,000 años, creencias
2Prayer Board
To pray for our needs, thanksgivings, praise, etc, area de oración, de acción de gracias, alabanzas, etc.