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Novena to the Holy Spirit
In Matters of Faith
Divine Mercy Novena
In Eucharist
Novena to the Holy Spirit
In Matters of Faith
Divine Mercy Novena
In Eucharist
Novena to the Holy Spirit
In Matters of Faith
Divine Mercy Novena
In Eucharist
Novena to the Holy Spirit
In Matters of Faith
Divine Mercy Novena
In Eucharist
Evidence about why the Catholic Church Jesus founded
In Church and Unity
Nov 27, 2020
Welcome to the group, thank you for your reply. You are the first one to reply to this discussion in the new location at However, you did what other people have done in the past and the group when was in other location specifically Microsoft networks, that they did not address what I wrote. They were silent, you too. I told them silence indicates nothing to say against the Truth. The humble people are open and accept the Truth. The Truth who is Jesus, we accept with love, no by force. What you wrote, “The Catholic Church was not the first church,and Jesus did not founded the Catholic Church. This is only found in the Catholic bible.” it is your opinion. If you have evidence to prove what you said is true, show us that. So far, you have no evidence; therefore, it is not true. I do have evidence. Read carefully what I wrote. You addressed about the words of Jesus about the keys. Your opinion again and your private interpretation of the Bible is that the keys are the gospel, doing that you are adding to the Bible, because Jesus did not say gospel. If you think about your words, the Gospel is Jesus Himself. Jesus command to all the Apostles to preach it and they must live it with the example, no only to Peter. We are to preach the Gospel too with our example first, we call that evangelization. It deals with religion because Christianity is a religion. You ignored the words of Jesus before that, it deals with my discussion about why the Catholic Church Jesus founded. You did not prove me wrong. You were silent. Jesus Himself said that He will build His Church in Peter. That is in all New Testament Protestants and Catholics Bible. By the way, we have the same books. The difference is in the Old Testament. The Catholic Bible has the Old Testament at the time of Jesus. The Protestant Bible Old Testament has seven books missing, removed by Martin Luther on 1517. St. Peter was the first Pope. The evidence is history. In addition, history and Early Fathers of the Church proved that was the only Church. Jesus said He will build His Church in Peter, one Church, no churches. The Apostles called the Church the Way. In the second century was changed to the Catholic Church, to distinguish from churches or religions that Jesus did not found. Jesus said I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven, He did not say I will give you the Gospel. That Keys deal with the words of Jesus after, what you bind of earth, it will be bound on Heaven. What you loose on earth, it will be lose in Heaven. In my original discussion, I mentioned Isaiah 22. Did you read my original discussion? If so, did you understand it? When Jesus said Hades will not prevail, it means the Church will not err in matters of faith and morals. We call that infallibility. You are correct about Jesus gave St. Peter authority. That is the meaning of the Keys and the relationship with Isaiah 22. That is the authority of the Popes. The Pope is the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of God that is the Church but here on earth until Jesus comes to judge the living and the dead. The Church on earth is visible, so need a visible leader. That is why we call the Pope the Vicar of Christ. That also deals with complete true Unity, one Shepherd, one flock.
Novena to the Holy Spirit
In Matters of Faith
May 21, 2020


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