I wrote this during 2016 USA Presidential elections CCA at Groupbox.com
A week ago, when an Islamic terrorist killed a priest in France near Normandy while celebrating the Mass, Foxnews.com mentioned in the front page second column as one of the big news. MSNcom did not mention anything whatsoever. I could not locate anywhere. Why not, It is known that the Media like msn.com, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and MSNBC are not reporting the news but their agenda by bias news to support the liberal agenda that is pro-choice, pro same sex-marriage, all of that is the work of the devil and devil’s will. God is for life as Jesus is the Life. God is for marriage between man and woman as He instituted the Sacrament of Marriage. Everybody that is going against God is instrument of the devil. To be pro choice or choice to kill an innocent human being in the womb of the mother and same sex marriage is to be instruments of the devil to go against God and God’s will. If the persons have knowledge about that and will to do it anyway if they do not repent and time of death and humbled, they will join the devil for eternity as they had served him as being instruments of the devil.