The Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries have fruits of the Mysteries that were available in certain brochure that explains how to pray the Rosary and had Scriptural references about it. All are in the Bible but the last two Glorious Mysteries are indirectly in the Bible. St John Paul II the Great added the Luminous Mysteries. They were not fruits of the Mysteries available as they were new Mysteries. Therefore, I made my own. I will explain what I based on when we get there. Here are the fruits of the Mysteries and when those Mysteries should be prayed.
Joyful Mysteries, to pray on Monday and Saturday (Rosary of Life)
First-The Annunciation fruit-humility
Second-The Visitation – fruit- love of neighbor
Third-Jesus’ birth- fruit -poverty
Fourth-The Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple- fruit -obedience
Fifth-The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple- fruit –Joy in finding Jesus
Luminous Mysteries, to pray on Thursdays
I made the fruits of the Mysteries base on the Sacraments because each Mystery indicates a Sacrament. I will explain.
First-The Baptism in the Jordan- fruit-Baptism, John the Baptist baptized Jesus and He introduced that Sacrament to clean us from all sins and the original sin.
Second-The Wedding at Cana-Holy Matrimony, Jesus performed His first miracle at request of His Mother in a wedding. It shows the importance for Jesus the Matrimony is with only a man and a woman as God is the One who established when He created man and woman and told them to multiply. Moreover, the first intersession of BVM that is even more powerful as She is in Heaven, Mother of the King of kings, Queen of the Universe.
Third-The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God and its Righteousness- fruit Sacraments of Healing: Confession and Anointed of the Sick, Jesus healed a bunch of people and spoke wonderful words.
Fourth-The Transfiguration- fruit-Confirmation, the Holy Trinity was present there, we received the fullness of the Holy Spirit to be soldier of Jesus.
Fifth-The Institution of the Eucharist- fruit-Holy Communion and Holy Orders, which was the first Mass, The bread and wine to become the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus, it needs a priest ordained by a bishop successor of the Apostles.
Sorrowful Mysteries to be prayed on Tuesdays and Friday
First-The Agony in the Garden- fruit –Sorrow for our sins
Second-Scourging in the Pillar- fruit-Purity
Third-The Crowing of Thorns- fruit-courage
Fourth-The carrying of the cross by Jesus- fruit-patience
Fifth-Crucifixion of Jesus- fruit-final perseverance
Glorious Mysteries to be prayed on Wednesday and Sunday on Ordinary time and on Easter and after, During Lent to pray on Sunday-Sorrowful Mysteries, During Advent to pray on Sunday –Joyful Mysteries
First-The Resurrection of Jesus- fruit –faith
Second-The Ascension of Jesus- fruit-hope
Third- The coming of the Holy Spirit, Pentecost or Birthday of the Catholic Church- fruit-love of God
Fourth-The Assumption of the BVM- fruit-grace of a happy death
Fifth-The Coronation of the BVM, Queen of Angels, Queen of Heaven- fruit – trust in the BVM‘s intercession clearly approved by God.
Fruits of the Luminous Mysteries came later. I think the one I made with God’s mercy on me are more appropriate for the Mysteries.
Do you agree?
God bless all, Doc